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CIB Sealed DS Pokemon HeartGold Version New*

Marca: Nintendo
Disponibilidad: En Stock
Condicion: Nuevo
Precio en MXN:
Solo Quedan 8 En Stock

Finally CIB Sealed DS Pokemon HeartGold Version Sealed* . In Pokemon Heartgold you return to the beloved Johto region first introduced in the Pokémon Gold and Silver Version games. In this Pokemond Heart gold version there are several new enhancements for the series, such as updated graphics and touch screen features exclusively for the Nintendo DS. Heartgold features ;detailed graphics that spotlight the unique environments and hundreds of Pokémon that players can encounter and catch. In Heartgold Version Pokemon players can even see and interact with their favorite Pokémon outside of battle (how awesome is that), selecting one from their team to follow behind them as they travel through the Johto region.



Compatible with the original DS, Nintendo DS Lite, 2DS, 3DS and 3DS XL. May not be compatible with other accessories.


* CIB Nintendo DS Pokemon Heartgold Sealed w/box and inserts independent re-issued version. Modded not Pokedex compatible.

Nueva Revision




Opinion: Malo           Bueno

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