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New FS* - Dreamcast Grand Theft Auto 3

Modelo: GTA3-DC
Disponibilidad: En Stock
Condicion: Nuevo
Precio en MXN:
Solo Quedan 6 En Stock

It’s the classic open world Grand Theft Auto 3 for Sega Dreamcast. Yes, you aren’t seeing things, this is the new GTA 3 gamer created and playable for the Dreamcast.

All the car jacking, star making and intense gameplay you remember from back in the day but this time for Dreamcast! This is the ultimate version of Grand Theft Auto 3.

GTA 3 is playable in any Sega Dreamcast console marked model 0 or model 1 without issue.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 for Dreamcast still holds to be one of the best home arcade ports of this Naomi arcade classic.

*Marvel vs Capcom 2 for Dreamcast is reissued game only with case and inserts. Works with model 0 and model 1 DC consoles.

Nueva Revision




Opinion: Malo           Bueno

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